Safety Disclaimer

For your safety, we strongly advise that all crafts and activities be carried out under adult supervision. Woodhappen shall not assume any liability for any damages resulting from the activities featured on this website.

Always taking necessary precautions when engaging in crafts and activities is essential to ensure safety. Please meticulously adhere to the instructions and warnings on the labels of all ingredients and supplies utilized. Exercise sound judgment regarding age-appropriateness and refrain from allowing children under the age of 3 to engage in activities involving small components that could pose a choking hazard.

We emphasize that all activities and crafts must only be undertaken under the watchful eye of an adult. Adults should handle any potentially hazardous materials, such as chemicals, hot glue, or craft knives.

Woodhappen hereby disclaims any responsibility for any damage, accidents, or injuries arising from participating in any activities found on this website. If you have any safety-related inquiries concerning our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or with our contact form.

Readers engage with Woodhappen content of their own volition and must assume personal responsibility for the author’s and guest contributors’ information. Please be aware that the content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute medical, legal, or professional